Freight Pay and Audit Service

Enabling hassle-free freight cost reductions

Do you have a clear visibility over the freight charges that are everyday increasing your logistics expense bill? With the large volumes of freight invoices processed each moment, how do you ensure that there are no duplicate billing or extra unauthorized freight charges being crept into those bills?

Sometimes all the answers lie in having the correct team of experts for these intricate processes and thereby ensuring that freights don’t become just an everyday necessity of your supply chain, but rather becomes a strategic advantage. However, for an existing business to put together the correct team and maintaining them is at times time consuming and cost intensive.

Highway 905’s Freight Pay and Audit Services ensures a cost-effective and less time consuming way of ensuring that your team of freight audit experts are at your disposal always. So you have a hassle-free process of freight bill audit and payment while realizing cost savings and enhanced productivity on a yearly basis.

Functions of the team

  • Invoice Processing

    Our team processes and standardizes the invoices submitted by your carriers in any format (scanned, digital, physical bills etc).

  • Freight Pay and audit

    Our team analyzes and audits the freight charges submitted by carriers based on the carrier ratings and threshold limits. This can be performed in two ways:

    - Standalone existing ratings engine: The team uses your existing system in place for the match pay comparisons
    - Using Highway 905 FPS: The team uses our proprietary cloud based freight payment system to perform the match pay comparisons

  • Invoice Deep-dive

    Utilizing the years of freight pay and audit expertise, our team analyzes the carrier invoices to ensure there is no cost slippages due to duplicate billing, hidden charges, ratings errors or unapproved additional charges

  • Dispute resolution

    In case of freight invoices with amounts which are out of the tolerance zone, our team contacts the carrier for clarifications and streamline a resolution for the invoice disputes

To add to it all, onboarding our team for your business logistics service setup is very easy and fast, with no infrastructure changes required, minimum initial investments and zero hassle.